
I’ve been broken

Since you left

These shattered pieces I thought would heal

Pierce through my chest

It’s not fine

It’ll never be

So stop saying time will ever comfort me


Oh, I

Am not okay

But I wouldn’t have it any other way

Without this pain

How would I know

That this broken world was never meant to be

My home


There is darkness

On the brightest day

And though there’s beauty here

Sin’s black cloud remains

Here I’m a stranger

But not for long

Cause where I’m going I am known and loved

And I belong  

Listen to Still EP: iTunesAmazonSpotify


Grief Stage: Acceptance


Home was the first completed song I wrote for Still, before the EP was even a thought. I was trying to reconcile the hope that I was “supposed” to have with the pain that still lingered years later. Little did I know that this song would start the journey into exploring the depths of my grief. 


These shattered pieces I thought would heal

Pierce through my chest

It’s not fine

It’ll never be

So stop saying time will ever comfort me


It started out with feeling frustrated - frustrated that I still missed my mom - frustrated that grief was still a “thing” in my life. I was told so many times that “time will heal”, but you know what? It hasn’t. Time has definitely changed how I experience grief, but I have never felt healed. And I don’t think I’m supposed to.


And though there’s beauty here

Sin’s black cloud remains


Throughout the song, I’m describing an important tension that I live with as a person of faith. I see and experience beautiful things in this life, but they are often tainted.  These glimpses of hope can be difficult to see through the brokenness.


Without this pain

How would I know

That this broken world was never meant to be

My home


In the crippling pain of grief, the only hope I have - and can offer anyone - is that it won’t be this way forever. I rest in who Jesus is, what he has done, and what he promises to do by one day completely ending the brokenness of the world. This life is so short compared to eternity, and I’m thankful that I’ll have eternity to spend with my mom and our Creator.


We were made for so much more. Pain is a reminder that I’m not home yet.


Listen to Still EP: iTunesAmazonSpotify